It is estimated that there are more than 10 million NGOs in the world. However, the social injustice and poverty that we fight against in the Global South also affects the entities that intervene there, preventing them from developing their full potential and capacities to serve (more and better) their communities. 

From we accompany social organisations in the Global South to take advantage of the benefits that digitalisation and technology offer.

PPa: Identification of invisible people

Technological solution that provides digital identity to undocumented persons. 

Traceability and transparency for cocoa production

Technological implementation to demonstrate non-deforestation of land and cocoa traceability.

Indian Community

15 years of collaboration with social organizations in India, supporting their professionalization, economic independence and empowerment.

DMP: Digital MarineLitter Passport

Visibility and quantification of the impact of voluntary marine litter collection work by the fishing sector. Raising public awareness of the importance of caring for our seas.

Platform for women saving groups

Ecosystem to facilitate access to the digital economy for women and their businesses.

Ethical digitization

Awareness raising and training for the social sector on the importance of protecting the digital rights of the people for whom we work in digitalization processes.